This is our website! Hello and Welcome!
- Recipe list - A list of my recipes. These can also be found in LaTeX or PDF form in my gitlab repo. On this website, they are compiled from LaTeX to HTML.
- Blog - A little blog for writing random things.
- Moka Man - A small friend.
- Foraging - A list of things I like to forage.
- Pastebin - A simple pastebin with support for uploading from Telegram.
- TODO - A list of things I need to do.
I've built this website with custom components, mostly for fun, but also as a bit of a personal portfolio. In addition, I plan on hosting some personal projects here, along with a blog, which should have some technical as well as fun content.
- This website is being hosted by a custom webserver called Servoiardi that I've written in Rust! The source code can be found on gitlab.
- The content of this website is contained in another gitlab repository. The content of the website is arranged by matching URIs to services, for example static files or CGI in a TOML config file.
- This page is compiled using a custom markdown-inspired markup language called matthewdown.