Greta Pie

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Before starting the recipe, it helps to put the chocolate chips in the freezer, so they do not melt as quickly as the pie cooks.

  • 300g Plain Flour
  • 100g Golden Caster Sugar
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • 100g Softened Butter

For the Pastry Mix the flour, sugar and baking powder together, then cut the butter into small cubes and add to the mixture. Rub together with fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs that hold a shape when pressed together, but easily crumble.

  • 2 Eggs

Whisk the eggs, and then slowly mix them into the pastry until it comes together. Knead until smooth, and then wrap in cling film and refrigerate for an hour.

  • 3 -- 4 Stem Rhubarb
  • Ginger
  • ~50g Sugar

For the Fruit Layer Slice the rhubarb and dice the ginger, then place both in a saucepan. Add a few tablespoons of water and the sugar, then cook until the rhubarb is soft and reduced. Add more sugar to taste.

Other tart fruits like cooking apples work wonderfully as an alternative to rhubarb.

  • 250g Ricotta
  • 250g Mascarpone
  • 1 Egg
  • Rum
  • Chocolate Chips
  • Chopped Dates

For the Cheesecake Layer Whisk the cheese, eggs and rum together, and then stir in the chocolate and dates.

  • Grated Dark Chocolate
  • Egg Wash

For the Pie Take the pastry out of the fridge and roll into a sheet. Place over the pie tin and cut around the edge, leaving a lip over the top of the tin for structure. Gently press the pastry to ensure it fills the tin. Pour the rhubarb into the pie, and spread around. Gently pour the cheesecake on top of the rhubarb. Grate some dark chocolate on top of the cheesecake. Roll out any excess pastry and cut into strips, and weave a criss-cross on top of the pie. Paint the pastry with egg wash, and bake at 180°C for~40 minutes.