Chicken& Leek

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  • ~4 Fillets Skinless Chicken
  • Pepper, Salt, to taste

Cut the chicken into chunks, about 2cm in size, then fry them in a large pan with the spices until they begin to brown. Once cooked, the chicken can be placed in a large oven dish, if only one suitable pan is availiable. Alternatively, this step can be carried out similtanously with the next if two pans may be used.

  • 1 or 2 Leeks
  • 8 Rashers Bacon
  • Sage, Thyme, to taste

Slice the leeks and bacon, and fry the leeks with butter in a pan. After a couple minutes, add the bacon, and spices, and continue to fry for around eight minutes, or until the leek is soft and brown, and the bacon is cooked.

  • 1tbsp Flour 3-4tbsp Dry Sherry,~100ml Double Cream
  • Grated Cheddar and Parmesan to taste

Add the flour to the frying leeks and bacon, and stir in well. Then add the alcohol, and finally slowly stir in the cream. Allow to cook for a further three minutes, stirring all the time, and adding the cheese.

White wine and honey can be used instead of sherry.

  • Breadcrumbs
  • Cheddar
  • Salt, Thyme, Pepper, etc.

For the Topping Mix together the chicken, leeks and bacon, and place in an oven dish. Top with a layer of roughly grated cheese. Mix the spices, finely grated cheese, and breadcrumbs, to make a topping for the dish. Cover the dish with the topping, and bake in the oven at 180°C for 40--60 minutes.