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A Walk along the South-West Coast Path

In October 2022, we walked from the Isle of Purbeck to Weymouth over a couple of days, stopping to camp each night.

Day 1 - From Purbeck to Kimmeridge

On the first day, we took the bus from Poole to the village of Kingston, and walked to Kimmeridge Bay following the coast.

St. James Church in Kingston
A view of Houns Tout from the west

There were plenty of blackberries in the bushes to eat along this part of the journey, and since the brambles had been growing so much, the paths were far narrower than they would be in other seasons. Every time we had to stop and wait for another person to pass, we would eat blackberries.

Banded cliffs
Kimmeridge Bay

Along the cliff-tops there were Sea-Cabbage plants, which we picked and kept in our bags for later.

St. Nicholas Church in the Village of Kimmeridge
A fire in the rain

Once we arrived at Kimmeridge, we explored the village, and had some food. We made a fire in the dark when we returned - it was raining, so we kept our tinder dry with an umberella until it had caught. We cooked the sea-cabbage we had collected earlier with miso paste to make a soup, kept some of it in a thermos for breakfast, and had tea before bedtime.

Day 2 - From Kimmeridge to West Lulworth

On the second day, we walked from the village of Kimmeridge to the popular village of West Lulworth. As the weather was still unsettled, we decided to walk inland along the hills. Like much of the land in Dorset, the land to our north was owned by the millitary, and is used as a firing range.

An old windswept hill-top blackthorn
Sheep in the Road
Moo-ving target practice

We climbed around Worbarrow bay, passing Flower's Barrow, an ancient hill fort that has half fallen into the sea, as the cliff eroded below it.

Worbarrow Tout
Worbarrow Bay

The next bay is Lulworth Cove, with the famous Durdle Door to the West. We camped in Lulworth for the night, and bought some food from the village.

Durdle Door
Exploring the caves next to Durdle Door
A victory sandwich after a long day

Day 3 - From West Lulworth to Weymouth

On the final day, we walked from Lulworth to the town of Weymouth, where we could catch the train home. We didn't take many pictures, as we were tired, but we found lots of sloes to eat along the way, and we passed through Osmington Mills, a village with a beautiful little pub, which we need to return to for a meal or a night at some time.

There is a mysterious obelisk and a nice view to the West of Lulworth
A view of Weymouth from the cliffs to the East
A view of the burning cliffs from Ringstead Bay.
Written by Francis Wharf, Greta De Paoli
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